Isle of Blogs

A blog to keep up with the exploits of the council and their various far flung members and better halves.

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Finish Him!

Perserverance. Deuchers. Tigers Head. Match of The Day - excellent. Cash point. American girls. A couple you would. Accents annoying though. Bowling. Confusing Entrance. Underground. Like a carpark. Bowling all booked. German Lager. TCP. Burnout speaker smoking. Someone elses chewing gum in pint. Arty students. Mortal Kombat. Keep putting money in until it works. It doesn't. Girl hotwires it. Unlimited credits. Flood: I am the Mortal Kombat champ. Flood: My fingers hurt. German Lager. Mortal Kombat. Leave. Hungry. Kings Cross. Nowhere open. CHICKEN. Filth. Bus. Another bus. 1hr 45mins.

None of this will mean anything to those that weren't there on Saturday. This picture was worth the write up though;

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Running Rundown

I was hoping to be putting this post up with several pictures of my exhausted, limp, red puffy faced body below, but it looks like I may have to wait a week or so to compile all those, so I'll post an account of the day for now and put those up when I get them! Thanks again to all for your donations and support, my total is now £1370.90 and still going up which is an amazing amount and could end up desperately close in the end.

Here's the rundown of the pain and the glory;

The day started quite early, I woke myself up at 6.45 so I could cram as much breakfast and drink in as possible, then we sat about waiting, ironically watching the start of the BBC marathon program thinking shouldn't we be there?! Thing is, we sat about a bit too much and realised not long after we left that we'd be late... late?! After a bit of running around trying to find the appropriate lorry to put our belongings in and then our allocated start point we managed to make it with about 2mins to spare, doing our stretches as the crowd edged forward!!

It took so long to get going in the mass of people and was quite frustrating for the first 4 or so miles because you couldn't get in a rhythm, people would be cutting you up and you'd run into a group of people walking. Luckily we were ahead of the rhinos, teddy bears and that millipede though otherwise there might have been some good footage of me tripping them up to get through!! It was like that at various points throughout really, you'd spend most of the time weaving in and out of people running in S's to get a good length of running going, but every time the road narrowed, people would bottleneck and you'd be all but stopped in your track until it cleared. As such we were already well behind schedule by the 10k point. I suppose the best I can describe it is that it was like trying to run through 26.2miles of Oxford Street on a Saturday, that sums it up really!!

Obviously that's not what it's all about though, there were some crazy costumes and the effort some people had made on the touchlines was amazing!!! Those that spring to mind was a man running in a massive star, a 79yr old running with a zimmer frame and a pub that had made the entire front like a castle with everyone standing on the balcony dressed as St George / maidens!! The weather was perfect for runners but I'm guessing not great for those watching, they were all offering sweets though which is my idea of heaven, 26 miles of confectionary!!!!

We did see a few people in a bit of 'difficulty' along the way, including one being stretchered off and another having the attention of two ambulances!! Always reassuring!!!! It was quite apt that the route took us past a funeral parlour too, good for business I suppose!!! For the rest of us that didn't collapse it was just a permanent feeling of light-headedness / deliriousness from about the 18mile point so it was just something you were used too!! Couldn't really form sentences by the end either but then there's nothing new there!!

The toughest point for me was not long after we'd left Canary Wharf at about the 19 mile mark. I'd long had the knee problem and the aching feet by that point, but the heavy thighs were really kicking in then and I managed to gain a brand new aching hips complaint!!! I had to power walk for a bit but got going a few yards later and had found a new wind by the 21 mile mark!! I struggled again a couple of miles later but picked it up for the finish. Cramp was threatening towards the end too. I stopped to try and stretch it out just near Parliment right next to a 4yr old girl who just shouted "Come on Whizz-Kidz, come on whizz-kidz" infinitely!! After several acknowledges I decided to run off and get on with the cramp instead!!

It feels like a dream now!! Apart from the physical reminders!!!!!! That's that done though, below are my split and final times;

Position (Overall): 22998
Position (Gender): 17510
Position (Age group): 3424

KM10: 0:59:50
KM20: 2:00:38
HALF: 2:07:48
KM30: 3:12:22
KM40: 4:31:39
FINISH: 4:46:49

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Chop Porn

If you were a motorist, you wouldn't be running this man down, it'd be too embarrassing!!! People would think you know him as you wait there for the ambulance to turn up! It would be more advisable to flee the scene and have a 5 year prison record than to stick around through all the heckles and finger pointing!!

But that's something you'd only have to put up with for 10 minutes or so! The Lemon on the otherhand...

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Brighton rock(s)

Visual summary of Flood and I's 'away day'. It started at 10:35am with a four pack of Kronenbourg at Kings cross and ended up with sick on the streets of Brighton. Probably influenced by a documentary about football hooligans I recently saw, plus the film Quadraphenia, I 'Fuckin got on it' and exploded in style. Its good to feel young. :)

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

*Semi-Serious Post*

Hey folks,

Just a quick one, but if we could draw upon the Council's vast knowledge and network, to pass on any email address's, contacts, people etc that will be useful for getting in touch with for young Christopher R's forthcoming RCA graduate show I/we would be extremely grateful.

It would be really cool if you could have a root around in the back of your minds for friends-of-friends, people at old jobs, diddlers you met at parties, dudes from college, or even any tips for good websites/mags you have seen or been inspried by etc. Sorry if this is unashamed self-promotion, but we have got quite an interesting story to tell, and the show has got tremendous potential.

Many thanks, any help gratefull received - is this the first time the blog has been used for professional diddlin?

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Dorset Dozer

So clint you going to tell the story or shall I do the honours? ;)

Granny goes wrong

The family got together at Grannys house on Easter Sunday, as we usually do. During the afternoon, many cups of tea were poured from her old tea pot, which due to its age, or maybe poor design, was not operating very efficiently. At 17:05 we were 'hanging' in the kitchen and discussing the tea pots under performance, when Granny suddenly raised it above her head and uttered the immortal words; "This thing is rubbish, shall we just smash it?". Frightened onlookers began to back away, as the red mist around her 90 year old eyes began to thicken. Then, without any consideration for the 7 people now gathered round (some of whome were not protected with footwear), she launched the pot towards the stone kitchen floor and it smashed violenly into thousands of pieces, sending small shards of china in all directions.
As a momentum to the occasion, we buried the spout in a flower bed.
Happy bloody Easter.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'M HIT I'M HIT!!! I"M FARRRKKING HIT!!! GRRRRRHHhhhuuuuggghhh..... uuurr...... gllug..... uurrrgurrlgle.....

Hello peace-loving citizens of magnificent Britain,

One thing us Brits know how to do properly is have a bloody punch up on a grand scale. To celebrate this, and the ensuing relief which comes when no-one left alive can be bothered to fight any more (ie peace), some fields down in Kent get taken over for five days in mid July for a bit of a knees up. Assorted wierdos, nutcases, handjobs and downright psycho's all meet up for a general trade of tanks, SS swimming trunks and dubious S&M type gear that will no doubt appear as evidence in a stomach churning court-case one day. Its amazing and sometimes quite scary.

Please come along to the War and Peace Show. I imagine myself, Chris MD and Flood will be going on Sunday 23rd July (depending on MD's grueling schedule) to hoover up all the bargins. Can't wait to see Kratz dressed in Hitler Youth garb. Now if this post doesn't get flagged by all the keywords I'll be fucking amazed.

I tried to stick some images in here, but Blogger seems to be playing merry hell, so maybe I'll leave it to your imaginations......

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Muffin Marathon

Well diddlers on Sunday April 23rd The Captian is running the marathon and I think it's only fair that we should all go and watch and get drunk. The plan is to watch him as he passes through the hood then dash to the finish line to hold his silver blanket and put a pepperami in his well earned pint. Oh and if you havent sponsored him yet get to it.
PS: There's nothing like a muffin in the morning!

Happy Birthday Nick

We celebrated 27 years since the birth of Nick yesterday. I asked him if he would mind posing with a lifesize model of Gromit that I'd made for the occasion and he was fine with it!!!

Right you bunch of woofters...

Anybody doing anything fun this Easter, or are you all going home?

Monday, April 03, 2006

Lets get out of our tiny minds gentlemen

Right folks,

Sorry, haven't got time to do the HTML bollocks, but I think Heaton and his missus is going to this on August 18th, 19th and 20th;

Sites not up, nor is the lineup announced yet, but I trust his judgement, its meant' to be a nicely 'small festival' with all the wierdness of Bestival. Early/cheaper tickets go on sale tmorrow (Tuesday) at 6pm from here; for £75 plus booking.

I'll post a reply to this with all the info I got in an email about it.... Its a tossup between this and Bestival - what do you folk reckon??