Isle of Blogs

A blog to keep up with the exploits of the council and their various far flung members and better halves.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

I'M HIT I'M HIT!!! I"M FARRRKKING HIT!!! GRRRRRHHhhhuuuuggghhh..... uuurr...... gllug..... uurrrgurrlgle.....

Hello peace-loving citizens of magnificent Britain,

One thing us Brits know how to do properly is have a bloody punch up on a grand scale. To celebrate this, and the ensuing relief which comes when no-one left alive can be bothered to fight any more (ie peace), some fields down in Kent get taken over for five days in mid July for a bit of a knees up. Assorted wierdos, nutcases, handjobs and downright psycho's all meet up for a general trade of tanks, SS swimming trunks and dubious S&M type gear that will no doubt appear as evidence in a stomach churning court-case one day. Its amazing and sometimes quite scary.

Please come along to the War and Peace Show. I imagine myself, Chris MD and Flood will be going on Sunday 23rd July (depending on MD's grueling schedule) to hoover up all the bargins. Can't wait to see Kratz dressed in Hitler Youth garb. Now if this post doesn't get flagged by all the keywords I'll be fucking amazed.

I tried to stick some images in here, but Blogger seems to be playing merry hell, so maybe I'll leave it to your imaginations......


At 9:58 am, Blogger Mr Bizzle said...

Yes, I'm up for this please.
I imagine Corporal Punishment will be interested in looking for Officers hats, bayonette dildos and other 'macho gay rock' wear? I will mainly be observing and recording with a camera.


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