Isle of Blogs

A blog to keep up with the exploits of the council and their various far flung members and better halves.

Monday, May 01, 2006

For Him Magazine

While a clerical error has seen me ommitted from this years FHM 100 sexiest list, it's still worth purchasing to see my face in print, as I feature not once, but twice in this years June edition. The appeal is not only asthetic though, as you'll also gain insight into my opinion on this summers tipple of choice - cider!

'(one tester got "apple strudel")' and 'not as apple-ly as Woodpecker' can be attributed to me!


At 8:21 am, Blogger Floody said...

Arhh, a very informative piece Kratz. But where's the review for white lightening? I drunk two litres of that sh*t once, trying to make up for the fact I missed out on a misspent youth, drinking cheap cider in parks because I was a good boy and did my homework. Chemicals+alcohol+sugar+E263APPLE= CIDER

I can personally testify to the digustingly sweet feeling you get from drinking too much cider.

At 8:32 am, Blogger Chopper said...

Looks like they really pushed the boat out for the quality booze there Kratz!

NIce to see your smiling little face in print Captain - will we be seeing more in the future?

nb. Flood, surely you can personally testify to any disgusting feeling you get, from drinking too much of pretty much anything containing alchohol?

At 8:46 am, Blogger The Mighty Grizla! said...

I always wondered who the lads where in the FHM pictures. You make a good cider drinking geezer.

At 9:25 am, Blogger Floody said...

Ermm... I've never got drunk or tasted that yellow stuff... Advocat?? Looks like watery custard. Pretty much everything else: tick.

At 9:38 am, Blogger Mr Bizzle said...

I love it Captain!

At 9:43 am, Blogger Captain said...

Well, it was only a matter of time before I appeared in the National press side by side with Keeley! This will probably spark a frenzy of pap activity as they camp outside the house trying to get the latest shot, but I've no plans of further appearences... ...until they wave enough money under my nose!!

Apologies for the lack of White Lightening but your feedback sums it up! Everybody has sampled it already so there's no need to publish an opinion!!!

At 9:46 am, Blogger Chopper said...

Setting yourself up for a fall there JNC? Cue Dan's wedding.......

At 11:24 am, Blogger Floody said...

Nice gay arm position holding the glass.

At 11:37 am, Blogger Captain said...

I know, I selected another one originally which showed me in a much better light, but they wanted more animation!! This one was a mash of elbows so I had to dislocate my wrist to manoeuvre the beverage into position!!!!

At 11:56 am, Blogger Floody said...

If only the readers could see the other side of drinking, as per the other photos on this blog, rather than the glamourous image of Kratz and his work colleagues sipping pints in a garden (?)

No wonder lonely old tramps start drinking cheap cider when they see successful Kratz necking it.

At 12:07 pm, Blogger Captain said...

I'll let you in on a trade secret!! It was shot in very early March in a pub beer garden, was bloody freezing and an orange filter was used to 'warm it up a bit'!! It was also pre-11am and I'd ended up drinking about 2 pints of very mixed cider by the time we left!!

This, however, resulted in me starting to feel a bit snuffly and shivery by the end of the day and I subsequently got one of the worst bouts of flu I've ever had and ended up having to go home ill at the end of the week!!!! Not so 'geezer' now!! I don't know how the tramps do it!!!!

At 3:59 pm, Blogger Chopper said...

"It was also pre-11am and I'd ended up drinking about 2 pints of very mixed cider"

That sounds pretty 'Geezerish' to me Captain. dear-o-dear, I used to think you were such a nice boy.....


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