Isle of Blogs

A blog to keep up with the exploits of the council and their various far flung members and better halves.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Non — Drinking?

So chaps hows it going? Those of you that are on the non drinking parade. I haven't touched a drop since Sunday, wow I hear you shout. Well as a conseqeunce i had a 4 day headache, lots of gut ache, some swaying, some weird lights today (though the 4 hours sleep i had last night might be responsiable there) some problems concentrating and a night on the mineral waters where i was scared 30% of the time. All of this has confirmed my need to lay off the demon drink for a couple of months though tonight i plan to have a couple of beers to take the edge off the week. Chop that clock marked day 4 clicking well? flood where are your symposium plans? i am waiting?


At 4:29 pm, Blogger Mr Bizzle said...

I'm gonna try and stay off the booze till the 13th then I've got the following pencilled in for the month thus far:

Friday13th - 8 pints of lager
Saturday14th - 8 to 10 pints of lager
Wednesday 16th - 3 pints of lager
Thursday 19th - 4 to 8 pints of lager

At 5:05 pm, Blogger The Mighty Grizla! said...

Nice lager plan.

At 5:31 pm, Blogger Floody said...

Apart from one beer with a meal I haven't had a drink since New Year's Day. Had most of the symtoms mentioned. Going for a run at les gym was a shock to the system.

I would like to suggest a date for a Council think tank or symposium for next Saturday morning at 10.30am. Topics to include: Web Design, Design in general, or anything else as long as its not about beer or McDonalds burgers. Possibly somewhere central where we can drink tea/coffee. Anybody know of any nice tea houses?

Of course, this all depends on enthusiasm from other dudes, but I thought it might be a nice idea to meet up in the morning (as opposed to evening) and discuss design stuff etc and drink tea (as opposed to beer).

Any one up for it sign below... (Plus ideas for things to bring/talk about & location etc etc)

At 7:42 pm, Blogger Chopper said...

Hello fellow 'Clean-and-Clear' whizzers!

Good to see the team spirit coming through here. Resetting the chop is going well, as as mentioned on previous threads, its like a fog is being lifted. I'm rediscovering the joy of having short-term memory, and the novelty of concentration is a hoot. I'm more active, motivated and I've got loads more time than I used to - aren't I a smug but boring twat?

Sorting out my diet is helping a great deal, mainly eating porrige (made with water), ryvita (plain, dry), seeds, nuts, fruit, veg and salad. No refined sugar or wheat, no meat, very little dairy, no alcohol, cut right down on coffee. Unfortunately the only thing I've had to 'taint' myself with is caffine because of this show. It gets the job done. It takes a while for your body to 'tune in' to the slow energy release of unrefined/unprocess food, but well worth it.

I'm so glad to be shot of the whole drinking thing, and I feel glad to be in the safety of January. It still haunts me - I found a can of Kronenboug whilst turning out a rucksack yesterday and Smirnoff peers at me whenever I look in the freezer - but I'm stronger than that!

Really up for a symposium, great stuff Floody. Well up for possibly meeting in an interesting location (Tate Britian cafe overlooknig the Thames? etc) and mayebe for a inspirational stroll. Thaty reminds me, I was talking to Dickie yesterday about doing The Wandle Trail, 14 miles of history along the River Wendle form where it meets the Thames.... anyhow count me in, next weekend is super - Grizla, lets talk Graphic Ident for team Raeburn!

Well folks, it's Friday night and I'm off for a mental night with a red-hot date; Richmond park, the Tarmac and 20 watts of twin headlights. I've been looking forward to this all week!...

At 8:17 pm, Blogger Luton said...

Having resolved to stop drinking until I next leave the county, went on a ruinous night out on Wednesday. Thats it now, times up for the aches I've been feeling the past ten days. I've ordered a box of assorted organic vegetables; just waiting on the Charlie Brooks excercise DVD....

At 9:47 pm, Blogger Chopper said...

...great fun out in the park.... ...apart from a fucking great stag running out of the darkness complete with huge antlers. parp.

At 11:41 pm, Blogger Chopper said...

I feel like a million bucks; Everyone in the Council must buy a bike.

At 2:30 pm, Blogger The Mighty Grizla! said...

I am up for next Saturday but 10.30 is too early for me. Saturday morning I always read the paper and have a lie in to get my sleep catch up I miss in the week by going to bed too late reading graphic stuff on the internet. How about 2.30? Anyone seen any good shows on. Nice work all round chaps. I had 5 pints last night by the way but thats my one drink for the last week, one next week as well but nothing planned.

At 11:48 am, Blogger The Mighty Grizla! said...

Early morning Sunday run and i feel like im going to die right now. All part of the fun.

At 6:38 pm, Blogger Chopper said...

tee hee.

At 2:53 pm, Blogger Floody said...

I know I can do it till the end of the month. But in the bath this morning all I could think of was how nice an ice cold beer poured into a pint glass is on a warm sunny afternoon and what it would taste like.

Its one week today since poison touched my lips.

At 3:13 pm, Blogger The Mighty Grizla! said...

tee hee is a very un you phrase chopper. I feel magic for a quiet weekend, might do this more often and not ruin my career through booze.

At 3:13 pm, Blogger Chopper said...

Keep up the good work chaps! I know that feeling Flood, ....but save that thought for the summer ... and at least until lunchtime, not a 'before-work-beer-in-the-bath'. Yesterday and today I have been marvelling at my heart beating reguarly and without palpitations. Forgot what that felt like.


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