Isle of Blogs

A blog to keep up with the exploits of the council and their various far flung members and better halves.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Well weve not made a single cent of the ads yet due to not one click. A quick click everytime you visit and ill buy you all a nice beer. clicky click click....


At 11:55 pm, Blogger Captain said...

Get the sodding things off! They're shit!

Advertising Whore!!!!!

At 12:53 am, Blogger Chopper said...

Fuck off! The plan is to keep clicking, until we have enought for a 'Cheers Blog' night!!

Or I wear out my mouse......

I liked it when the inteligent-ads were all for online Bingo. Mind you, it probably though we were in the 65yrs+ demograhic with all the dithering around and erratic use of the accelarator Bing's been doing....

(have we collared the mole-rat-pic-hijacker yet inspector?)

At 11:02 am, Blogger Captain said...

To get a pint each at the end of a year, we'd have to click the links 14,000 times each... ...a week!!!! They ruin the lead in to the days new material and the returns are so low that it is utterly pointless!!! You'd spend less time finding more money on the floor!!!

Get 'em off!!

At 7:09 pm, Blogger Chopper said...

Damn - the Isle Of Blogs dotcom bubble just burst.....

At 9:36 pm, Blogger The Mighty Grizla! said...

You actually get 10cents per click kratz so if we each click on once when we log on its a dollar a day so wed have 30 by the end of the month which is £20 therefore enough for a pint each as promised. I suppose posh bing could buy instead?

At 11:37 am, Blogger Captain said...

Yeah, but there's an anti-spam type thing built in that stops someone on the same computer from just clicking the links and building up a fortune! That means that it'll know it's the same 5 people with the same computer / IP address that click it and it won't build up the total!


At 11:55 am, Blogger Floody said...

Possible ways round this problem:

1) There are over 400 people/computers in this building. I've got time on my hands, so...

2) Get some more people to get on the blog. Emilie for one.

3) Go to to keep changing our own IP addresses (although this could be illegal and costs $19.95

4) We all start hiring computers and swap them 6 times a day

Go Kingsmill yourself Kratz!! We can do it if we all get together.

At 12:08 pm, Blogger Captain said...

Points 1-4 say it all!! M&S have more chance of stocking third party products!!!

At 2:42 pm, Blogger The Mighty Grizla! said...

I dont know how ot remove them :(


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